“I loved the comprehensive and integrative nature of the nutrition program. I wasn’t interested in learning about just one dietary theory and MUIH provided that diversity.”
What drew you to your healing discipline at MUIH?
I have always been interested in preventative wellness. When I finished my undergrad program I searched for something that focused on health from this standpoint and struggled to find something. I had actually given up looking for a while when my dad found the nutrition program at MUIH and brought it to my attention.
Why did you choose MUIH for your academic program?
I loved the comprehensive and integrative nature of it. I wasn’t interested in learning about just one dietary theory and MUIH provided that diversity. I also loved the cooking classes. How can you expect people to make lifestyle changes with food and nutrition if what they’re eating is boring and bland?! In retrospect it kind of seems silly for any nutrition program to not have a culinary component.
Describe your path since graduating from MUIH.
First, there was a lot of studying for the CBNS exam, then there was A LOT of work for the post-grad internship, and all the while I was trying to market myself as a practitioner to start building my client base. The internship just ended so now I’m finally in a place where I can really focus on my practice and growing that.
What has been your most exciting or fulfilling professional experience to date?
Working at Shepherd’s Clinic in Baltimore, Maryland, was the most fulfilling professional experience I have had. The clients were so compliant and grateful for the nutrition services we were providing. They were such wonderful people to work with and I really felt like I was making a difference. It’s something I will always be proud to have been a part of.
Are you achieving your professional goals?
I think I’m on the path to it. I’m still pretty new out of school so I’m certainly not there yet but I definitely feel like I’m moving in the right direction.
What would you like to do next?
Keep learning and growing! This is a journey for me and at this point I really just want to keep taking steps to make myself of better practitioner.
Lindsey Brandenberg completed her Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health in 2014 and the Nutrition Internship Program in 2015.