Graduating acupuncture students celebrated their completion of didactic and clinical requirements for their Master level program with a bell ringing ceremony. This unofficial ceremony has been performed for generations. The participants in the cohorts who choose to participate craft their ceremony for their group. Pictured above from left to right: Dr. Tyme Gigliotti (MUIH Faculty), Coleen Van Voorhis, Raymond McDonald, Carol Ligon, Dr. Xu Albert Wu, Leah Li.
“The wheel will soon turn, the road will soon bend. Yesterday, four of my classmates and I celebrated the imminent conclusion of our Masters of Acupuncture program at Maryland University of Integrative Health. Colleen, Leah, Dr. Xu, Carol and I gathered with faculty member and long-time practitioner Dr. Tyme Gigliotti to commemorate the end of our initial training. As we get our licenses and treat patients on our own, we know our true education is about to begin. Great thing about this medicine though: everyone is in it together, and we all support each other every step of the way. We never stop learning, and as we carry our healing practices into the world, we will never forget this magical time.”
~ Raymond McDonald, Master of Acupuncture, April 2022