This information is provided in support of the health and wellness of our community. For more health and wellness resources from MUIH, we encourage you to subscribe to our weekly Gratitude Tuesday email by clicking here or visiting our website for other resources by clicking.
Natural Care Center
Now Open!
For more than 40 years the Natural Care Center at Maryland University of Integrative Health has provided powerful, meaningful, and effective healing experiences for patients and clients that arrive with a wide array of health challenges.
Western Herbal Dispensary
Now Open!
As an MUIH Alum, you can order herbs for yourself from the Western Herbal Dispensary! In addition, if you graduated from the Herbal Clinical
program, you can send us your client orders! The MUIH Dispensary uses exceptionally high-quality herbal products. Our herbal suppliers practice fully documented quality control standards, meeting FDA GMP’s and providing a certificate of analysis demonstrating the authenticity of the herbs we order. Herbs we purchase are wild crafted or certified organic.
You can view a list of our herbs and extracts and order here.
Email or call us with questions.
410-888-9048 x6676